olicy Statements

Ethical Marketing Practices Policy Statementuploaded 30May11

Policy Statement on HRPP Accreditationuploaded 24Mar10

Statement in Support of FDA’s Guidance for Clinical Investigators, Sponsors, and IRBs; Adverse Event Reporting to IRBs – Improving Human Subject Protectionuploaded 24Mar10


ode of Ethics

The following articles identify the code of conduct expected of member organizations of the Consortium of Independent Review Boards.

  1. CIRB member organizations are committed to the protection of the rights and welfare of human research participants.
  2. The fundamental principles of research ethics put forth in the Belmont Report (The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research, 1979) – Respect for Persons, Justice and Beneficence – provide the guidance under which CIRB member organizations function.
  3. CIRB member organizations will adhere to the letter and the spirit of laws and regulations requiring the protection of human subjects.
  4. CIRB member organizations will establish procedures to identify, address and manage potential conflicts of interest.
  5. No stockholder, partner, equity owner or other principal of a CIRB member organization will be appointed as a member or alternate member of any ethics review board or panel maintained by that organization.
  6. CIRB member organizations will develop appropriate training programs for their Board members and staff persons.
  7. CIRB member organizations will protect confidential information, including research participant information and the proprietary information of sponsors and investigators, to the extent required and allowed by law.
  8. CIRB member organizations will respect the jurisdiction of other review boards.
  9. CIRB member organizations will conduct their affairs in accordance with the highest degree of professionalism, integrity and respect.
  10. CIRB members commit to observing ethical marketing practices in their business development activities and communications with clients and others.

Concerns regarding ethics violations shall be communicated in writing to CIRB’s Executive Committee and, if appropriate, to CIRB’s legal counsel for review and recommendations.